
Package Contents

class matchzoo.data_pack.DataPack(relation:pd.DataFrame, left:pd.DataFrame, right:pd.DataFrame)

Bases: object

Matchzoo DataPack data structure, store dataframe and context.

DataPack is a MatchZoo native data structure that most MatchZoo data handling processes build upon. A DataPack consists of three parts: left, right and relation, each one of is a pandas.DataFrame.

  • relation – Store the relation between left document and right document use ids.
  • left – Store the content or features for id_left.
  • right – Store the content or features for id_right.


>>> left = [
...     ['qid1', 'query 1'],
...     ['qid2', 'query 2']
... ]
>>> right = [
...     ['did1', 'document 1'],
...     ['did2', 'document 2']
... ]
>>> relation = [['qid1', 'did1', 1], ['qid2', 'did2', 1]]
>>> relation_df = pd.DataFrame(relation)
>>> left = pd.DataFrame(left)
>>> right = pd.DataFrame(right)
>>> dp = DataPack(
...     relation=relation_df,
...     left=left,
...     right=right,
... )
>>> len(dp)
class FrameView(data_pack:'DataPack')

Bases: object


__getitem__(self, index:typing.Union[int, slice, np.array])


Returns:A full copy. Equivalant to frame[:].
DATA_FILENAME = data.dill

True if label column exists, False other wise.


View the data pack as a pandas.DataFrame.

Returned data frame is created by merging the left data frame, the right dataframe and the relation data frame. Use [] to access an item or a slice of items.

Returns:A matchzoo.DataPack.FrameView instance.


>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> data_pack = mz.datasets.toy.load_data()
>>> type(data_pack.frame)
<class 'matchzoo.data_pack.data_pack.DataPack.FrameView'>
>>> frame_slice = data_pack.frame[0:5]
>>> type(frame_slice)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
>>> list(frame_slice.columns)
['id_left', 'text_left', 'id_right', 'text_right', 'label']
>>> full_frame = data_pack.frame()
>>> len(full_frame) == len(data_pack)

relation getter.


Get left() of DataPack.


Get right() of DataPack.


Get numer of rows in the class:DataPack object.


Unpack the data for training.

The return value can be directly feed to or model.fit_generator.

Returns:A tuple of (X, y). y is None if self has no label.


>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> data_pack = mz.datasets.toy.load_data()
>>> X, y = data_pack.unpack()
>>> type(X)
<class 'dict'>
>>> sorted(X.keys())
['id_left', 'id_right', 'text_left', 'text_right']
>>> type(y)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> X, y = data_pack.drop_label().unpack()
>>> type(y)
<class 'NoneType'>
__getitem__(self, index:typing.Union[int, slice, np.array])

Get specific item(s) as a new DataPack.

The returned DataPack will be a copy of the subset of the original DataPack.

Parameters:index – Index of the item(s) to get.
Returns:An instance of DataPack.
Returns:A deep copy.
save(self, dirpath:typing.Union[str, Path])

Save the DataPack object.

A saved DataPack is represented as a directory with a DataPack object (transformed user input as features and context), it will be saved by pickle.

Parameters:dirpath – directory path of the saved DataPack.

Decorator that adds inplace key word argument to a method.

Decorate any method that modifies inplace to make that inplace change optional.


Shuffle the data pack by shuffling the relation column.

Parameters:inplaceTrue to modify inplace, False to return a modified copy. (default: False)


>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> import numpy.random
>>> numpy.random.seed(0)
>>> data_pack = mz.datasets.toy.load_data()
>>> orig_ids = data_pack.relation['id_left']
>>> shuffled = data_pack.shuffle()
>>> (shuffled.relation['id_left'] != orig_ids).any()

Remove label column from the data pack.

Parameters:inplaceTrue to modify inplace, False to return a modified copy. (default: False)


>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> data_pack = mz.datasets.toy.load_data()
>>> data_pack.has_label
>>> data_pack.drop_label(inplace=True)
>>> data_pack.has_label
append_text_length(self, verbose=1)

Append length_left and length_right columns.

  • inplaceTrue to modify inplace, False to return a modified copy. (default: False)
  • verbose – Verbosity.


>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> data_pack = mz.datasets.toy.load_data()
>>> 'length_left' in data_pack.frame[0].columns
>>> new_data_pack = data_pack.append_text_length(verbose=0)
>>> 'length_left' in new_data_pack.frame[0].columns
>>> 'length_left' in data_pack.frame[0].columns
>>> data_pack.append_text_length(inplace=True, verbose=0)
>>> 'length_left' in data_pack.frame[0].columns
apply_on_text(self, func:typing.Callable, mode:str='both', rename:typing.Optional[str]=None, verbose:int=1)

Apply func to text columns based on mode.

  • func – The function to apply.
  • mode – One of “both”, “left” and “right”.
  • rename – If set, use new names for results instead of replacing the original columns. To set rename in “both” mode, use a tuple of str, e.g. (“text_left_new_name”, “text_right_new_name”).
  • inplaceTrue to modify inplace, False to return a modified copy. (default: False)
  • verbose – Verbosity.
>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> data_pack = mz.datasets.toy.load_data()
>>> frame = data_pack.frame
To apply len on the left text and add the result as ‘length_left’:
>>> data_pack.apply_on_text(len, mode='left',
...                         rename='length_left',
...                         inplace=True,
...                         verbose=0)
>>> list(frame[0].columns) # noqa: E501
['id_left', 'text_left', 'length_left', 'id_right', 'text_right', 'label']
To do the same to the right text:
>>> data_pack.apply_on_text(len, mode='right',
...                         rename='length_right',
...                         inplace=True,
...                         verbose=0)
>>> list(frame[0].columns) # noqa: E501
['id_left', 'text_left', 'length_left', 'id_right', 'text_right', 'length_right', 'label']
To do the same to the both texts at the same time:
>>> data_pack.apply_on_text(len, mode='both',
...                         rename=('extra_left', 'extra_right'),
...                         inplace=True,
...                         verbose=0)
>>> list(frame[0].columns) # noqa: E501
['id_left', 'text_left', 'length_left', 'extra_left', 'id_right', 'text_right', 'length_right', 'extra_right', 'label']
To suppress outputs:
>>> data_pack.apply_on_text(len, mode='both', verbose=0,
...                         inplace=True)
_apply_on_text_right(self, func, rename, verbose=1)
_apply_on_text_left(self, func, rename, verbose=1)
_apply_on_text_both(self, func, rename, verbose=1)
matchzoo.data_pack.load_data_pack(dirpath:typing.Union[str, Path]) → DataPack

Load a DataPack. The reverse function of save().

Parameters:dirpath – directory path of the saved model.
Returns:a DataPack instance.
matchzoo.data_pack.pack(df:pd.DataFrame) → 'matchzoo.DataPack'

Pack a DataPack using df.

The df must have text_left and text_right columns. Optionally, the df can have id_left, id_right to index text_left and text_right respectively. id_left, id_right will be automatically generated if not specified.

Parameters:df – Input pandas.DataFrame to use.
>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data={'text_left': list('AABC'),
...                         'text_right': list('abbc'),
...                         'label': [0, 1, 1, 0]})
>>> mz.pack(df).frame()
  id_left text_left id_right text_right  label
0     L-0         A      R-0          a      0
1     L-0         A      R-1          b      1
2     L-1         B      R-1          b      1
3     L-2         C      R-2          c      0