
Hyper parameter search spaces wrapping hyperopt.

Module Contents

class matchzoo.engine.hyper_spaces.HyperoptProxy(hyperopt_func: typing.Callable[..., hyperopt.pyll.Apply], **kwargs)

Bases: object

Hyperopt proxy class.

See hyperopt’s documentation for more details:

Reason of these wrappers:

A hyper space in hyperopt requires a label to instantiate. This label is used later as a reference to original hyper space that is sampled. In matchzoo, hyper spaces are used in matchzoo.engine.Param. Only if a hyper space’s label matches its parent matchzoo.engine.Param’s name, matchzoo can correctly back-refrenced the parameter got sampled. This can be done by asking the user always use the same name for a parameter and its hyper space, but typos can occur. As a result, these wrappers are created to hide hyper spaces’ label, and always correctly bind them with its parameter’s name.
>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> from hyperopt.pyll.stochastic import sample
Basic Usage:
>>> model = mz.models.DenseBaseline()
>>> sample(model.params.hyper_space)  # doctest: +SKIP
 {'mlp_num_layers': 1.0, 'mlp_num_units': 274.0}
Arithmetic Operations:
>>> new_space = 2 ** mz.hyper_spaces.quniform(2, 6)
>>> model.params.get('mlp_num_layers').hyper_space = new_space
>>> sample(model.params.hyper_space)  # doctest: +SKIP
{'mlp_num_layers': 8.0, 'mlp_num_units': 292.0}
convert(self, name: str)

Attach name as hyperopt.hp’s label.

Returns:a hyperopt ready search space
__add__(self, other)


__radd__(self, other)


__sub__(self, other)


__rsub__(self, other)


__mul__(self, other)


__rmul__(self, other)


__truediv__(self, other)


__rtruediv__(self, other)


__floordiv__(self, other)


__rfloordiv__(self, other)


__pow__(self, other)


__rpow__(self, other)




matchzoo.engine.hyper_spaces._wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, func)
class matchzoo.engine.hyper_spaces.choice(options: list)

Bases: matchzoo.engine.hyper_spaces.HyperoptProxy

hyperopt.hp.choice() proxy.

Returns:str representation of the hyper space.
class matchzoo.engine.hyper_spaces.quniform(low: numbers.Number, high: numbers.Number, q: numbers.Number = 1)

Bases: matchzoo.engine.hyper_spaces.HyperoptProxy

hyperopt.hp.quniform() proxy.

Returns:str representation of the hyper space.
class matchzoo.engine.hyper_spaces.uniform(low: numbers.Number, high: numbers.Number)

Bases: matchzoo.engine.hyper_spaces.HyperoptProxy

hyperopt.hp.uniform() proxy.

Returns:str representation of the hyper space.

Take a sample in the hyper space.

This method is stateless, so the distribution of the samples is different from that of tune call. This function just gives a general idea of what a sample from the space looks like.


>>> import matchzoo as mz
>>> space = mz.models.DenseBaseline.get_default_params().hyper_space
>>> mz.hyper_spaces.sample(space)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
{'mlp_num_fan_out': ...}