
An implementation of DIIN Model.

Module Contents

class matchzoo.models.diin.DIIN

Bases: matchzoo.engine.base_model.BaseModel

DIIN model.


>>> model = DIIN()
>>> model.params['embedding_input_dim'] = 10000
>>> model.params['embedding_output_dim'] = 300
>>> model.params['mask_value'] = 0
>>> model.params['char_embedding_input_dim'] = 100
>>> model.params['char_embedding_output_dim'] = 8
>>> model.params['char_conv_filters'] = 100
>>> model.params['char_conv_kernel_size'] = 5
>>> model.params['first_scale_down_ratio'] = 0.3
>>> model.params['nb_dense_blocks'] = 3
>>> model.params['layers_per_dense_block'] = 8
>>> model.params['growth_rate'] = 20
>>> model.params['transition_scale_down_ratio'] = 0.5
>>> model.params['conv_kernel_size'] = (3, 3)
>>> model.params['pool_kernel_size'] = (2, 2)
>>> model.params['dropout_rate'] = 0.2
>>> model.guess_and_fill_missing_params(verbose=0)
classmethod get_default_params(cls)
Returns:model default parameters.
classmethod get_default_preprocessor(cls, truncated_mode: str = 'pre', truncated_length_left: typing.Optional[int] = None, truncated_length_right: typing.Optional[int] = None, filter_mode: str = 'df', filter_low_freq: float = 1, filter_high_freq: float = float('inf'), remove_stop_words: bool = False, ngram_size: typing.Optional[int] = 1)

Model default preprocessor.

The preprocessor’s transform should produce a correctly shaped data pack that can be used for training.

Returns:Default preprocessor.
classmethod get_default_padding_callback(cls, fixed_length_left: int = 10, fixed_length_right: int = 30, pad_word_value: typing.Union[int, str] = 0, pad_word_mode: str = 'pre', with_ngram: bool = True, fixed_ngram_length: int = None, pad_ngram_value: typing.Union[int, str] = 0, pad_ngram_mode: str = 'pre')

Model default padding callback.

The padding callback’s on_batch_unpacked would pad a batch of data to a fixed length.

Returns:Default padding callback.

Build model structure.

forward(self, inputs)
